Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, today wasn't what I expected. Another surprise, but this one not so good. Michael started with a fever last night and right now (it's 3pm) he's laying on the couch, watching the weather channel. I don't think we're going to make it to Sesame Place at all. I don't even know if we'll be able to finish the rest of the trip. We might just go home in a day or two (when he's feeling better). I'm not sure. I'll just have to wait and see how he feels. He's eating and drinking- so that is good. A few minutes ago he said his body hurt all over. He starts school in exactly 1 week- so he needs to be in shape for that. He didn't cry when I told him we weren't meeting our friends at Sesame Place. THAT was a nice surprise.

When he's sick I try not to give him any meds and let his body heal itself. So, it's a lot of wait and see. I try to have him drink as much as possible and take a lukewarm bath if he starts getting bad. If it reaches 104*, then I give him something. My cousin also gave me the phone number to the walk-in clinic, but I hope we won't have to use it. Wish us luck!


Heather King said...

Happy Birthday Michael!! Hope your feeling better soon. Alasdair and Conrad say hi!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday! So glad you're almost back--and I hope Michael is better tomorrow. We miss you!

xoxo Jen and all the rest