Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 58-- Ohio (Monday)

After three days of driving a total of 1000 miles, Michael and I arrived in Columbus, Ohio. We are staying with friends who have three kids- Michael is thrilled. They are 4, 6 & 8 and the middle boy was diagnosed with autism a few years back. But, he's not anymore. This is the third recovered kid we are staying with. I'm telling ya, I saw video of this child before and there is NO way anyone would EVER guess he had autism at one time. Amazing.

Anyway, something very interesting happened this day. I was packing up at the hotel and thought about who I knew in Ohio. Well, I remembered that my best friend as a child, Howard, lived here. He was my next store neighbor in Rocky Point and the closest thing I ever had to a brother. We didn't hang out much in high school after he got WAY too cool for me.

I looked him up on and found his address and phone number. Not only does he still live in Ohio, he lives in the SAME town as where I am staying-- 2.7 miles away to be exact. Seems like fate huh? I called him up and spoke to his wife. We set up a lunch get together tomorrow! Very excited and hope he's doing well.

Didn't take any pictures of Indiana. It was pretty boring and just farm after farm of corn. That's it.

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