We only spent about 2 hours in the park today, but it was incredible. I didn't want to drive far today because the skies were very dark and I didn't want to be stuck on the side of a mountain in a thunderstorm. So, we went about 15 miles from the Northeast Entrance. It worked out great. Michael and I hiked for about 10 minutes (that's a record) by a stream. Then I drove further west where I saw the buffalo yesterday.
They were still there, but today there were a few strays around. I saw one about 1000 ft from the road and took a few pictures. That was a lot closer than the herd yesterday. Then I walk towards the car and see some traffic. I wonder what it is and walk towards the front of the car. I see a HUGE buffalo literally walking down the center of the road- right on the yellow line. He's coming towards our car. HOLY COW. Do I walk closer and take a picture or run to the car for cover? I got a few quick shots and then he turned to my left. There were a few cars between us. He starts to make his way over to that other buffalo I saw.

They both stand up and slowly walk towards each other. The second guy who was walking down the street starts making huffing sounds. I know that's not good. Either they are going to fight or he is going to charge, or both. I'm about 100-200 feet away at this point, standing right next to my car. I yell at Michael to get in the front seat so he can see.
Number 2 falls to the ground and starts rolling in the dirt. Then they get really close to each other. Of course I left the videocamera in the hotel room. It was such an amazing thing to see and seems like it happened in slow motion. The two buffalo are standing about 10 feet from each other.
Then Number 2 turns his head, looks at me and starts huffing again. Oh crap. I jump in the car and drive away. I'm not worried about myself, but my 1 year old car.

Also, before we drove to the park today Michael and I had lunch at the Beartooth Cafe. I had an artichoke! It was a nice surprise on this trip. In the middle of nowhere of all places.
We we started walking towards the stores, Michael said "It's nice here". It sounded so natural. His speech is getting better and better. He's starting conversations with strangers. He's ordering his own food. He's answering questions from other people. He's helping with the luggage. Such an improvement from the first week of the trip.
I've got to go work on the photos. Tomorrow is a long day of driving- but look forward to seeing more of Montana.
BTW- part of Yellowstone is in Wyoming. So, add another state to the list.
One last thing- when we got here my throat started to hurt and guess what? There is a forrest fire about 100 miles from here. This is the third place where we found smoke. I'm SO happy we don't have these on Long Island. It's very irritating.
see more photos here:
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