The Grand Canyon wasn't what I expected. Boy, can I say that a lot on this trip. It was huge and beautiful. But, I was so scared that I would fall to my death. Then add the fear of Michael falling- the kid who has no fear- and the hundreds of STUPID people who would climb down the sides of the canyon or walk out on huge rocks with no railing. I'm sorry. But, that is just insane. And there were NO park personal. No police, no workers. No one cared that these people were walking off the trail, onto huge, slippery rocks. The fear of heights, which I don't normally have, kind sucked all the joy out of the Grand Canyon for me. Plus, Michael couldn't care less and wanted to get the heck out of there.
It's amazing the power fear has over you. I've been to the top of the Empire State Building twice- no problem. I've flown on airplanes. But, this trip has caused me some problems. I think it's must be the whole "inner ear" thing. I've got some fluid that makes me dizzier than normal. So, I'm a little unsure on my feet. I talked about it before when I was driving up and down the sides of mountains. But, it's hard to describe the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see people walk out on those rocks. I take a picture and think "that will be the last picture ever taken" because they are going to fall to their deaths. About 3 or 4 people (on average) a year die falling at the Grand Canyon. It's just crazy to me. I'm glad we got out of there alive.
It was beautiful. It was wonderful to take some pictures and all. But, it wasn't enjoyable, which is a little sad. I'm still glad we went though.
Christine and Michael,
I want to thank you for your postings, I have been enjoying all of the information and pictures! It is inspiring me to want to go to New Mexico and Grand Canyon. Michael you are becoming quite a photographer too! I read the Newsday article, and saw the wonderful picture of Michael. I have saved it just in case no one else did. I can't imagine what 22 days on the road must be like, more power to you! Enjoy and I'll be checking back! Love, Gina
The trip looks so cool! Hope you guys are having fun. :)
I am absolutely dying to go to the Grand Canyon! Looks like you guys are having so much fun.....peace and stay safe---
love, Jen, Matt & kids
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