Today we started out the day driving to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Norfolk, VA. I went about 15 years ago, but it was the first time for Michael. It was really great. Everyone was so nice, the church wasn't as hot as I thought it would be without a/c and the smoke cleared up by the time we got out.

They had a story for the children and Michael sat up front with about 15 other kids. The woman talked about Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans. After the story she asked the kids "So, what was this story about?". The first girl said "helping people". The second girl said "opening up your heart". And then she pointed the mic to Michael. He says "there was a big wind". I swear to God I almost busted out laughing right there. Of course he would talk about the weather.

After the story all the kids went up to the classrooms. The man behind me said "he can go with the others". So, Michael went up- no problem. I REALLY enjoyed the service. The morning message (aka sermon) was read by a man who worked for the ACLU in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. I can't believe there were children in jails left in 4 feet of water. The stories were really horrible. I'm so glad I went. I always have that moment on Sunday mornings where I think "yes, I could use another 2 hours sleep". But, we made it online- even a few minutes early. The people there were great and I look forward to the next church in Norman, OK.
Following church was a quick lunch and then we met up with my best friend from VA Beach and her daughters. We went to the Virginia Aquarium. I've been there about 5 times before, but the kids had a good time. Michael even touched a snake. I couldn't believe it. I was grossed out just taking a picture of it. We also saw sharks, otters, rays, all types of fish, octopus and beavers. If you're ever in Virginia Beach, it's a nice stop.

For dinner we all went for Japanese. It was the first time Michael ever ate in a Japanese restaurant. Don't get too excited- he had grilled chicken. But, he ate their food! They also cut up carrots and watermelon for him. It was a good dinner.
Well, we're doing laundry, working on the blog and waiting for the big thunderstorms here. Tomorrow morning we leave for Eastern VA/TN. We'll be there for a few days. I was in that area back in 1991 when my Grandfather died. There are a lot of things we want to see- so hope I'm able to find everything. Wish us luck. We also have about 8 hrs of driving to get there.